Monday, August 6, 2012

Jumpers and Runners and Swimmers Oh My!

Maybe you have noticed, (or maybe you have not because you have been distracted like I have been), but I have not posted in over a week.  I have been distracted by this little thing on TV called the Olympics. 

We never watch TV, but my wonderful husband figured out how to adjust the antenna just right so I could watch the summer Olympics.  Santa Claus brought us this awesome TV last Christmas, but we have never watched TV on it, only movies so we had to figure all that out.  For a little bit I thought my husband was going to have to stand holding the antenna for me for the the next two weeks. 

But lucky for him he figured out a way for me to be able to see the Olympics and and he could sit beside me.

I was wondering why I loved the Olympics so much.  I hate watching sports.  Any sport.  But I love seeing people win and cheering for the Americans or anyone else I feel like cheering for at the moment.  And the Olympics provides me with that in nice short segments so I don't get too bored.  In fact I get frustrated when they show the entire water polo match.  Just give me the highlights please.

I think my favorite is track and field.  I love it because there are so many short contests.  I can watch a race that takes 10 seconds.  I love that.  And then it switches to hurdles or jumping or throwing.  They are always doing something different. 

I really want to see more events though.  Because I do not pay for my TV programming, all I get is the actual NBC station.  So I get to see swimming, track and field, gymnastics, water polo, and volleyball.  Every once in a while if I'm lucky I get to see a snippet of kayaking or something else.  But I'll take it and be happy with it.  Although if the truth be told I am sick of swimming :-)  Unless it were to be synchronized swimming, I would like to see that.

The other day they were showing a segment on some gymnast (sorry I don't remember who) and stating he had crawled up to the ceiling in a department store when he was little (Too bad youtube wasn't around then...I would love to see that video)  so his mom put him in gymnastics.  I started to wonder, how many athletes in the Olympics have ADHD?  I know Michael Phelps does.  And I was guessing that gymnast might as well.  I got to thinking, kids with ADHD tend to have a lot of energy so their parents might be more likely to put them into sports at a young age.  Exercise is great for people with ADHD so that might contribute as well.  And if a person with ADHD loves something they are able to hyper-focus on it.  I'm thinking the Olympics might be the perfect storm for ADHDness. 

I really want to attend the Olympics in Rio.  How about I be a counselor to the athletes.  If they are ADHD they might really need my specialized counseling.  Right?

We were trying to come up with new Olympic sports the other day.  Like why don't we see who can hold their breath under the water the longest? 

Or speed tree climbing. 

How about an event I could participate in like crochet racing. 

I want to hear your ideas for Olympic games they should include next time around.  But I just heard pole vaulting might be coming up next so I gotta run!! 

1 comment:

  1. This post was cracking me up. I love the new Olympic events.
