I have trouble remembering people's names. I know this is a common problem not restricted to people with ADHD, but for me it's just the tip of the iceberg.
Here is the scenario: I meet someone new, they tell me their name, I tell them my name and instantly their name is out of my head. Even if they have the same name as me, their name will escape me, I will just have that nagging thought that there is a reason I should be remembering their name.
I'd like to say I am better with faces, but often I am not. I'd say I'm better with faces than names, but still not very good at it. I blame it on the fact that I am very kinesthetic (that means I learn best by touching things) and since we don't go around touching people it's hard for me to remember them properly. Maybe if I could touch everyone I would have better luck, so if I meet you and rub your arm, you will know what I'm doing and not be totally freaked out.
I feel like I am a typical person with the whole names thing though, I rarely hear a person say, I'm great at remembering names. So I can't blame my ADHD on that so much. But here is where I have trouble that I think other's don't have as much. I often can't remember the names of common everyday objects. In a conversation I will say long descriptive sentences to let the other person know what I am talking about. For example if I want a pen I might say, "Can you hand me that long skinny thingy (I use the word thingy a lot) that writes."
It's frustrating because this happens all the time, my brain stutters and can't seem to grab the name of the object I am trying to describe. I honestly think my brain moves so fast it can't be bothered to go back and remember the word I need. At least that's how I like to think about it, I'm hoping it's not a sign that I am in the early stages of dementia.
One day we had picked up a grab bag of Legos at the Lego store. Best way to buy Legos by the way, for only $8.00 we get a quart size bag full of random Legos. Unfortunately they don't do that anymore. Apparently they send back the random Legos to the Lego factory where they put them into the Lego kits again to sell. At least that is what the store employee told us. She may have been making that all up just to get out of having to make up Lego grab bags. Anyhow, we had picked up a grab bag that had a lot of cute little mugs in it.
I thought they were the cutest thing ever and when I was pointing it out the first time I could not think of the word mug, all I could say was, "Look how cute these hot cocoa cups are" (as you can probably tell I do not drink coffee or I might have called it a coffee cup. To me coffee is a vile smelling substance, but it makes my husband very happy so I put up with him drinking it.) So from now on, in our family, mugs are called hot cocoa cups.
In a family setting we can all laugh about it and make jokes and all is well. In public, not so much. It's really embarrassing when I'm asking someone to pass the salt and I say please pass that cool glass thingy with the white stuff in it.
Can anyone relate? Please tell me you can relate...so I can go on believing this has to do with my ADHD and not that I'm experiencing early onset of that disease where you can't remember anything.
I had a similar experience with words after going gluten free for over a year. Went away soon afer going back to eating wheat.