Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Now what...

So the Olympics are all finished and I am all graduated.

Now I have lots of time to catch up on things like posting to my blog.  So on my agenda for yesterday was write a new post, make my Distractibility Facebook page look presentable so I can ask people to like it.  Work on my bio for my new job.  Get my ideas together for a website for my new job.  Work out.  Do some laundry.  Clean up the house.  And spend some time with the kids.

What I actually did yesterday was spend the entire day figuring out how to backup my massive amount of photos to my new laptop I got for work.

I seriously sat down to try and move the photos for a minute, and then several hours later I realized I was downloading some software that I had no idea what it did or why I needed to download it.  I just had been following links and trying to make things work.

At that point I did pop out of my trance and make my daughter some lunch.  But the break was short lived.  I was determined to figure this out.

Did those photos need to be backed up yesterday?  No they did not, but once I started I couldn't seem to let it go.  There had to be a way to copy 100 gigs of photos with all the technology available in this house.  And after I finally got them all moved over I decided I needed to organize them so the files looked pretty on my new laptop.  This project started at 9:30 pm.  Luckily I got tired and gave that project up for the night.  But I'm itching to work on it more today.

But first I'm posting this blog update.  And if you would be so kind, please like my Facebook page.  Even though it's not anything special yet.  I promise to work on it soon...really I will :-)

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