Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running Away

Recently I've decided I want to be a runner.  It doesn't matter that I've never been able to run more than one minute straight my entire life.  I've seen all sorts of my friends pictures on Facebook of them running in races and I wanted to do that.  So my mind was made up and I download a couch to 5k program and started.

The first day I had to run one minute stretches about 6 times with walks in between.  I thought I was going to die.  Literally, right the gym...on the treadmill.

But I was determined.  So I kept going and discovered I liked running outside lots better than on a treadmill.  I also found a podcast I loved to listen to and looked forward to my runs because I got to learn all sorts of useless information.  The podcast is called Stuff You Should Know.  If you ever wanted to learn about everything from how the Autobahn works to how acne works give it a listen.  I would come home every day and enthrall my family with new information.

And before I knew it I had finished the couch to 5k program.  I was running for 35 minutes straight. (Go me!)

So I signed up for a race.  Which I ran a couple weeks ago.  My goals were to run the entire race and not come in last.  Both of which I accomplished.  Although the 60+ race walker left me in her dust.

The big race was on a Sunday and Tuesday was the next day I ran again.  (Us runners need to take a rest day after the big race you know...or as in my case I was too busy to run Monday).

I've decided to train for a longer distance so I ran about 4 miles.  I could have kept going but I had to pee something ferocious.  So I ran to the house.  When I got close to the house the need to pee intensified greatly.  For some reason our bodies say, "hey, we are about to get to a toilet...lets see if we can make our human pee her pants instead."  I get to the door and it's locked.  My oldest had left for work and locked me out.

No worries, we often leave the back door unlocked.  Nope...for once we were on top of security and it's locked too.  I glance around at my back yard wondering if I'm desperate enough. 

Nope not yet, I go to my neighbors house.  No answer.  I'm dancing like it's 1999 and must look pretty silly.  They probably didn't answer the door because they saw some crazy dancing chick doing the I have to pee dance on their porch.

Then I realized my friend across the street was home from work today becuase she had two sick kids.  I bolt over there and ring the doorbell not caring that I am probalby waking up her sick children.  No answer, but I know she's home so I start pounding on the door.  She calls out a little freaked out that she will be there in a minute.  I don't have a minute, so I yell to her that it's just me.  She answers looking like I had awaken her from a deep sleep, for which I feel very guilty, but I almost trample her over getting to her restroom.

Finally sweet relief.

Now to tackle the next problem.  I have exactly 45 minutes to get myself presentable for a job interview.  I'm currently a sweaty mess and my daughter is at work, luckily only a half mile away, but I'm not figuring out how I am going to run over there quickly (after just finishing the longest I have ever run in my life) and get back and shower and get ready for this important appointment.  Luckily I have an awesome friend and she offered to let me use her car.  Her exact words were, "I trusted you with my child (I watched him last week for all of 30 minutes), I certainly can trust you to use my car."  I thought that was really sweet.

I run into the big box store that my daughter works at and I'm all sweaty and such and ask everyone where she is.  They eye me suspiciously like I'm a crazy person but they tell me where she is at.  At the far end of the store of course.  More running and I'm able to get the key and get home. 

Luckily this story has a happy ending, I got to the interview on the job and lived happily ever after...The End!!

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