Friday, July 20, 2012

Focused Friday: Dude...Where's My Phone?

When I started this blog I wanted to have one day a week dedicated to the positive aspects of ADHD and/or ways to cope with it.  I had a few stumbling blocks.  First what to call it.  It had to have a name before I could write it.  Then I had to remember to write the post on the correct day (I know I could do it before hand and just post it on Friday, but I haven't gotten that organized yet.)

But now I have a name and I remembered to write the post and I am posting this on the right day.

So here goes.

My husband recently brought it to my attention that I lose my phone...a lot.  This statement actually surprised me because it seems like my phone is something I hang onto very well.  I use it for everything and I am constantly making sure I have it.

But last night I needed my phone for an important task.  And I could not find the phone.  I looked in the usual places and even out in the car.

I asked my husband to call it.  We could not hear it ring.  I remembered the last time I used it and so knew it wasn't lost forever.  It had to be around here somewhere.

And then we found it in the bathroom.  I had left it there when I went to wash my hands after cleaning up the cat poop.  I don't consider that losing my phone, but my husband had a point.  He has to call my phone to help me locate it at least once or twice a week.  And I have probably done that for him once....if that.  So I would say I misplace my phone often.  Losing it would be leaving it at the store or library or on top of my car and driving off.

I used to lose my purse and keys all the time as well.  At least I used to misplace them.  Although I went through a phase where I was leaving the keys on top of the car and driving off.  I'm not sure how I drove off with my keys on top of the car, but I distinctly remember looking for my beat up keys on the street more often than I would like to admit.  Luckily those days seem to be over.

But I finally figured out a way to not misplace my purse anymore.  I gave it a home.  I know this sounds incredibly basic for the non-ADHD person, but for me it was a completely foreign idea.  I always came home and plopped my purse wherever.  It did not have it's own special spot.

I went to the store and bought cubbies and assigned each person in the family a cubby.  That is where shoes, purses, hats and all things important for leaving the house were to stay.  And for me when my purse came off my shoulder I made myself put it in the cubby, no matter what.  And after a while it actually became a habit.

For me it has been a life changing event.  I no longer have to search for my purse and keys.  They are always in the cubby.  The time saved for looking for my purse has given me time to do more important things, like check Facebook, write a blog or finish that last level on that iPad game.

Unfortunately this strategy does not work for my phone.  But I'm not too bothered by how much I misplace it.  My husband can always call it for me right?  And as soon as I found my phone I realized I could not remember what the super important task was I needed to do.  But I know exactly where my purse all is well!!

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